Max Cabrera
Marketing and Publishing Consultant, Full-time Writer
[email protected]
+1 (845) 428-1066
My Writing Journey
My name is Max Cabrera, and I’m a multifaceted writer and publisher who has been featured by Kyoto University, NY’s Blueline Magazine, and Psychology outlets for blogs, websites, and multimedia videos garnering more than 1 billion impressions and hundreds of millions of views around the world.My company specializes in producing, writing, and publishing in English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese.Our graphic design work has reached quite nearly every corner of the world, and we pride ourselves on the quality of our formatting as well as creating masterpieces that leave lasting impressions for all that we contract with.
(Locations of Published Works)
In 2019 I had partnered with famous Canadian company Psych2Go which has been famous for their intensely researched contributions to the field of psychology, achieving millions of tuned in readers from Canada to India, and everywhere in between. My article was the starring gem of their site and YouTube channel (with over 12 million subscribers). The animated video that came as a result of my blog (and many others) saw international releases, catching the attention of more than over 20 million people across the world.
Partnering with one of the most prestigious schools with a HUGE emphasis on art and language learning, Kyoto Institute of Culture and Learning (KICL) was where I furthered my understanding of Japanese. I've worked with translators and localizers (such as myself) in the past in other projects, but to have an entire immersive experience in Japanese culture was an experience that led to many opportunities to partner with the school in order to assist with their publications for their international hiring program.I had been requested to write for the blog as well as make a presentation in regards to my experience in Japan as a whole. I travelled from the snowy peeks of Nagano to the rural busy towns of Tokyo, and despite my relatively limited speaking ability, I was tasked to produce a blog post for their school in order to promote a sense of enjoyment and an introspective look into the challenges tasked with being in a foreign country such as Japan.Being published by the school has been a recent endeavor, and while the blog post isn't up just at this moment, I do have said post prepared, with an impending post to be viewed by thousands of Japanese citizens, aspiring Vietnamese students, as well as Chinese students.
Nintendo’s Swordcraft Story 3 had never been translated for Western audiences until I spearheaded the project with dozens developers to fix oversights, translate cultural topics, and localize Japanese dialect. Overseeing bug fixes, narration, art assets, and leading multiple teams as the project manager, I’ve gone above and beyond to flesh out a project that’s already published big results on par with the quality of Nintendo’s very own Nintendo Treehouse Localization company.
Analyzing media, studying Japanese phenomena, and learning nuances of a brand new language is what has worked thus far in order to produce something of the utmost quality that will be released to millions of people in due time.
Blueline Magazine
In 2021 I had worked with the publisher of Blueline Magazine in order to format HTML processes for the website, manage social media in order to garner more donations, as well as negotiate with fellow investors of Blueline Magazine in order to provide my own work. I was in charge of nearly all marketing processes, as well as having my own writing published into Blueline Magazine for thousands of readers in the Adirondacks to read, bringing together not only some of the most prestigious college communities, but to the local communities of upstate New York as well.
[email protected]
+1 (845) 428-1066